Exposure Events

Memphis Made Featured at BookStock 2023
Sat. April 29th, 2023
We're excited to share that Memphis Made is one of the featured authors at Bookstock 2023! Come see us at the Memphis Area Authors' Festival, THIS SATURDAY, April 29th from 11 AM - 3 PM at the Benjamin L Hooks Central Library.We'll have shirts, books, and more available for you to check out. Don't miss this free family event that celebrates local authors in our community. With 60+ local author exhibits, a Virtual Reality Empathy Lab, professional photography, cultural dance performances, choirs, live music, food trucks, African dance class, and more, there's something for everyone.Make sure to also check out Memphis Made Author Books, available on Amazon and Lulu. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to support local artists and celebrate the power of literature in our community. #Bookstock2023#MemphisMadeAuthorBooks#SupportLocalAuthors#memphisareaauthorsfestivalhttps://www.amazon.com/Memphis-Made.../dp/171625289Xhttps://www.amazon.com/5-Rs-Manhood.../dp/1387564366...https://www.lulu.com/.../paperback/product-23574730.html...https://www.amazon.com/Humble-Savage.../dp/0359533116